Your Safety - Our Mission

​​Blue Ridge Fire District

1000 - Recruitment and Selection

1001 - Performance Evaluations

1002 - Promotions and Transfers

1003 - Position Descriptions

1004 - Career Tracks

1005 - Fire Officer Development

1006 - Educational Incentives

1007 - Tuition Reimbursement

1008 - Reporting for Duty

1009 - Emergency Recall

1010 - Overtime

1011 - Discriminatory Harassment

1012 - Conduct and Behavior

1013 - Personnel Complaints

1014 - Outside Employment

1015 - Personal Projects On-Duty

1016 - On-Duty Voting in Statewide Elections

1017 - Personnel Records

1018 - Commendations and Meritorious Service

1019 - Grievance Procedure

1020 - Wellness and Fitness Program

1021 - Physical Fitness

1022 - Critical Incident Stress Debriefing

1023 - Workplace Violence

1024 - Lactation Breaks

1025 - Smoking Tobacco

1026 - Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace

1027 - Personal Appearance Standards

1028 - Uniform Regulations

1029 - Badges

1030 - Identification Cards

1031 - Occupational Disease and Work-Related Injury Reporting

1032 - Temporary Modified-Duty Assignments

1033 - Release of HIPPA-Protected Information

1034 - Return to Work

1035 - Line-of-Duty Death

1036 - Line-of-Duty Death and Serious Injury Notification

1037 - Family Support Liason

1038 - Funerals

1039 - Family and Medical Leave

1040 - Military Leave

1041 - Driver License Requirements

1042 - Nepotism and Conflicting Relationships

1043 - Member Speech, Expression and Social Networking

1044 - Anti-Retaliation

1045 - Sick Leave

1046 - Personal Time Off (PTO)

1100 - Facility Security

1101 - Emergency Power

1102 - Flag Display

1103 - District Use of Fire Detection and Suppression Systems

1104 - Fire Station Living

Policy Manual

(Under Construction)

100 - Fire Service Authority

101 - Chief Executive Officer

102 - Oath of Office

103 - Policy Manual

200 - Organizational Structure Chain of Command

201 - Emergency Action Plan and Fire Prevention Plan

202 - Interim Directives

203 - Training Policy

204 - Liability Claims

205 - Electronic Mail

206 - Administrative Communications

207 - Minimum Staffing Levels

208 - Post Incident Analysis

209 - Annual Planning Master Calendar

210 - Solicitation of Funds

211 - Petty Cash Management

212 - Purchasing and Procurement

300 - Incident Management

301 - Emergency Response

302 - Fireground Accountability

303 - Rapid Intervention; Two-In Two-Out

304 - Tactical Withdrawal

305 - Atmospheric Monitoring for Carbon Monoxide

306 - Staging

307 - Swiftwater Rescue and Flood Search and Rescue Responses

308 - Confined Space Rescue

309 - Wildland Firefighting

310 - Carbon Monoxide Detector Activations

311 - Safe Haven Newborn Law

312 - Hazardous Materials Response

313 - News Media and Community Relations

314 - Scene Preservation

315 - Child Abuse

316 - Disposition of Values

317 - Performance of Duties

318 - Adult Abuse

319 - Traffic Collisions

320 - Line-of-Duty Death and Serious Injury Investigations

321 - National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS)

322 - Chaplains

323 - Active Shooter and Other Violent Incidents

402 - Fire Investigations

401 - Community Fire Station Visitation Program

500 - Patient Care Reports

501 - Medical Supplies

502 - Patient Refusal of Pre-Hospital Care

503 - Pre-Hospital Medical Care Directives

504 - Latex Sensitivity

505 - Controlled Substance Accountability

600 - Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Training

601 - CPR and Automated External Defibrillator Training

602 - Communicable Disease Training Program

603 - Emergency Action Plan and Fire Prevention Plan Training

604 - Hazard Communication Program Training

605 - Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Training

606 - Hearing Conservation and Noise Control Training

607 - Heat Illness Prevention Training

608 - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) Training

609 - National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training

610 - Repetitive Motion Injuries and Ergonomics Training

611 - Respiratory Protection Training

612 - Wildland Fire Shelter Deployment Training

613 - Training Records

614 - Firefighter Health, Safety, and Survival Training

700 - Use of District-Owned and Personal Property

701 - Personal Communication Devices

702 - Vehicle and Apparatus Inspections, Testing, Repair, and Maintenance

703 - Information Technology Use

704 - Knox-Box and Other Access Box Systems

705 - Communications Operations

706 - Public Alerts

707 - Photography and Electronic Imaging

708 - Non-Official Use of District Property

800 - Records Management

801 - Release of Records

802 - Subpoenas and Court Appearances

803 - Patient Medical Record Security and Privacy

900 - Illness and Injury Prevention Program

901 - Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health Inspections

902 - Arizona Division of Occupational Safety and Health Notification of Illness, Injury or Death

903 - Communicable Diseases

904 - High-Visibility Safety Vests

905 - Apparatus & Vehicle Backing

906 - Heat Illness Prevention

907 - Respiratory Protection Program

908 - Personal Alarm Devices

909 - Health and Safety Officer (HSO)

910 - Vehicle Safety Belts

911 - Fire Station Safety

912 - Ground Ladder Testing

913 - Personal Protective Equipment

914 - Hazardous Energy Control

915 - Hazard Communication

916 - Personal Firearms

917 - Roadway Incident Safety